Baptism at St Paul Old Ford Baptism at St Paul Old Ford

Being Church – Worship and prayer

Even though we are not able to meet together at the moment we can still be joined together in worship and prayer.

You can find resources on our Facebook page to help you in this, including:

  • Led prayer at 10.30am on Sunday mornings (Facebook Live) Download the order of service;
  • Virtually Bible in the Pub, 8pm on Wednesday evening (Facebook Live)
  • You can download our blue folder of songs to help you worship at home
  • For latest sermons check out our Facebook page

The Diocese of London has also put together a list of useful online resources on their website.

We’ll be adding more sermons and other worship resources over the next few weeks.

If you want to build in a daily pattern of prayer why not use the Church of England Daily Prayer app, which you can download for Android and Apple.

Wherever we are we can continue to be praying for our community, our church and our selves.

Here is a prayer from the Corrymeela Community in Northern Ireland:

God of the good news that spreads faster than fear,
God of the courage that comes from the heart:
Be with us as anxieties rise
and with us as uncertainty grows.
Be with us when children ask difficult questions,
And with us when parents seem farther away.
Remind us that to be a community does not always mean
to be physically present beside those we know well.
It also can mean being spiritually present
with those who feel very alone;
and that you as our God, the God made flesh,
are also the God who calls us from the tumult
and tells us to be still
and to know
that you are God
with us.

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