Giving thanks for Queen Elizabeth II: pray at St Paul’s

Like so many people across London and the UK, we were really sad to hear about the death of Queen Elizabeth II today.

We realise that she meant a lot to many people in our community, so our church will be open for prayers tomorrow and over the coming days.

Tomorrow (Friday 9 September) we will be having special prayer times at:

  • 8:30am
  • 12 noon
  • 6:30pm

You can come into the church at any time during the day tomorrow, if you want to light a candle and say a prayer. But one of our priests will lead prayers at these times.

We’ll also be joining churches across the country by ringing our bell at noon.

Please come and reflect and pray with us. For the Royal Family, for others affected by the Queen’s death, and other things that might be on your mind.

May she rest in peace and rise in glory.


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