Holy Week and Easter 2024 at St Paul’s

Palm Sunday

Holy Week starts on Palm Sunday with our traditional joint Palm Sunday service with St Barnabas Bethnal Green.

We’ll meet at St Barnabas at 10:30 on Sunday morning, 24 March. The service will begin there, then we will walk down Roman Road in a procession together, to finish the service with communion at St Paul’s. We hope you’re all going to be in good voice!

We will only be livestreaming the St Paul’s part of this service, for obvious reasons. Although look out for videos of the procession on our social media.

Maundy Thursday

We will have a Maundy Thursday service at 7.30pm on Thursday 28 March. This will involve an agape meal, where we eat and say liturgy together, remembering the last supper. We will also have communion and ceremonially strip the altar, making the church bare for Good Friday.

This service will be in-person only.

Good Friday

We’re having 3 services on Good Friday, 29 March, over 3 hours from midday. These will be as follows.

12pm: Worship for children and young people
1pm: Holy communion
2pm: Stations of the cross

These 3 hours will be in-person only.

Easter Day

We will be gathering together to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection at 10:30am on Easter Day, 31 March. Please join us for the most joyous day of the Christian year!


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